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Куб ПФЛ 1-й этап

Games Start Time: 03 Apr 11:00
zzs7700 3:3 Maestro
krasnikov-75 4:5 igor57
буровик 8:6 Viardo
Vacancy 14 0:0 Vacancy 19
BROKER 3:3 jelistoy
mokan 3:4 GAS-Ural
Vacancy 15 0:0 Vacancy 18
ГОЛ 1:0 SuperVlad
Vacancy 12 0:0 Vacancy 21
Petrovish-35. 1:3 mukh
Vacancy 13 0:0 Vacancy 20
foxiter 1:8 MaxWell
knight 3:6 horole
Vacancy 16 0:0 Vacancy 17
zelya 2:9 Fraier

Tournament grid

Large grid

Additional Information about competition

Game Settings

  • Regular time only

Tiebreaker criteria

  • 1. Number of wins
  • 2. Number of good bids
  • 3. Number of good exact scores
  • 4. Penalty series win in the last game of stage

Game calculation

  • Home, exact score 3
  • Home, good difference 2
  • Home,good outcome 1
  • Guest, exact score 3
  • Guest: good difference 2
  • Guest, good outcome 1