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Кубок Лиги Фанклубов Европы - 2022 весна

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Games Start Time: 22 Feb 20:00
FT Vacancy 31 0:100:21
FT Vacancy 32 0:100:19
FT 3:219:18
FT 2:220:20
FT 4:322:20
FT Vacancy 29 0:100:21
FT 1:218:19
FT Vacancy 28 0:110:21
FT 2:222:24
FT Vacancy 27 0:110:20
FT 6:220:14
FT 1:120:20
FT Vacancy 30 0:80:15
FT 2:221:23
FT 1:320:24
FT 1:121:20

Tournament grid

Large grid

Game Settings

  • Double bids: 2 for Home team, 1 for Away team
  • Regular time only

Tiebreaker criteria

  • 1. Number of wins
  • 2. Scoring differential
  • 3. More guest goals scores
  • 4. Overtime win in all games
  • 5. Penalty series win in the last game of stage
  • 6. Ranking on tournament start
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